A very long time ago I asked someone what their role was and they responded with “the clues in the title”……..looking back, I think that was a very rude retort to what I felt was a reasonable question. As a support worker new to the sector, I didn’t say anything. Irrespective of their role, I thought the person was an a**e, and to this day, I don’t remember what their actual title was.
I’m typing this blog with a new title/new role – Managing Director of Glassmoon Services, not something I ever imagined, but here I am. Am I proud? Yes. Extremely. Who doesn’t like a nice title, right? But see past the title and my pride is infinitely more rooted in what it represents.
It’s the 25 years working in a sector that is often at the bottom of the pack when thanks and respect are handed out, a sector that isn’t always perceived as professional, or a valid career pathway. Those of us who have been around the proverbial block know that’s not true. We know that the social care sector and being a part of someone’s story is adhesive, and when you work hard, learn, embrace and engage with what others have to offer it is a lifelong career.
Not only a valid career but a diverse and interesting one…… where no job, role or day is the same and “success” (however it is measured) at any level of an organisation should always be synonymous with values and purpose.
I consider myself fortunate and proud to be part of both the Glassmoon journey and promoted to Managing Director of Glassmoon Services. The start-up environment can be both hard and unpredictable, but this is more than matched by the excitement and opportunity to reshape the traditional narrative for both the people we support and the colleagues that join us.
At Glassmoon Services, we have exciting times ahead, with much to achieve and experience as we move forward, with an amazing team of “mooners” some of whom may or will be “managing directors in waiting” before too long! – which is just the way we want it to be, always.
Inevitably I can’t sign off my first blog as MD of Glassmoon Services without dispensing my first tip…..
If anybody, at any time, in any context, asks you about your role; graciously accept that whilst a clue may indeed be found in a title, it is how you articulate the story that sits behind the title that will always make a difference. No one will remember what you didn’t say.