The pace of change and technology is moving at such an exponential rate, it is stripping our ability to learn fast enough. It is hard to imagine that the internet is a relatively new concept, it’s only been around for 40 years, but now it is interweaved into nearly every part of our lives on a day-to-day basis if not hourly. I’m sure many people would gasp in horror if the internet suddenly ceased to exist. Losing the internet for a few hours, let alone a few days can have a negative impact on an individual’s mood, work and life. Last year alone has shown our dependence on technology and digital platforms, most people moved to home working and communication via Zoom and other digital formats. The organisations that managed successfully during this time were the ones that were quick to adapt and change.
So why are so many organisations stuck behind and still using old methods of working, such as Scientific Management, which have been around for over 100 years? These types of working models are not suited for even half the population in the workplace, they are not designed to be inclusive, creative or collaborative. Many organisations are relying on archaic work structures and processes, purely because it’s always been done that way. Does that mean it’s right or even works? Technology is inexorable, we either embrace it or get left behind, if we don’t things could start looking pretty bleak.
Jobs that are around today, will not exist in 10/15 years, what will that mean in terms of learning, relearning, reskilling and upskilling and how will that affect the older generation? We are already seeing a significant impact on the ageing workforce, people working well into their 70’s and this will continue to increase.
We are now in a world where there is more connectivity than ever, but we are less connected on a human level. Humans are hard-wired for connection and belonging, if we do not have a sense of these in our networks; families, communities and workplace it can be detrimental to our emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
The need for workplaces that follow the command, control, compliance and conformity structure is obsolete, these types of workplaces have not moved the needle on performance for decades. They do not promote connection and belonging, they crush creativity and form structural barriers which prevent people from reaching their potential. Humanity needs to be harnessed, when people are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work this is when creativity, innovation and empathy flourishes.
Poor leadership and organisations lacking empathy and a sense of belonging, will not promote growth. If they change the dial and learn to attract, identify, nurture, and retain entrepreneurial talent, they will reap the rewards as well as being beneficial for society.
At Glassmoon we like to set the context of why we are doing things. Across all our businesses we want to work in a way which is human centric, where people and purpose come first. Humanising the workplace is our priority and how we create services that are fit for the 21st century. This can be seen through our brand pillars – HUMAN, TECHNOLOGY & FUTURE.
The Glassmoon System, which is continually evolving, is an idea and concept that came from Carole’s research. The System is made up of 5 key factors which help us navigate our working lives. The System looks at an organisation as an ecosystem with humans at the centre; the ecosystem thrives through collaborative, flexible and creative work.
A few years ago, when Carole was on gardening leave, watching way too much Netflix and eating croissants, it turned out to be exactly the right conditions to conceive the concept of SeeMe. SeeMe, which is an integral part of the Glassmoon System can SEE PEOPLE in their work context, it uses technology and data to give a nuanced perspective of the people who power an organisation.
In this blog we’ve discussed the importance of adopting new methods of working and how the need for a fundamental shift has created SeeMe. In next week’s blog we will delve more into the story of SeeMe, how it can give you awareness of yourself in a work context, how it can support organisations on a macro level and how success is designing the human journey through an emotional experience.